QCHEFS – what’s in it?

Scientifically combined vital substances as

100% baked nature from these ingredients:

  1. high-quality protein – cottage cheese
  2. Light carbohydrates – buckwheat (no grain) or rice
  3. Healthy fatty acids – rapeseed oil and organic coconut oil

What’s not in it:

grain/ gluten – chemical / synthetic additives – lactose –

Sugar – salt – meat

Why is QCHEFS free of grain/gluten?

The dark QCHEFS with buckwheat are grain-free or buckwheat/carob – because buckwheat is a knotweed is grown and no grain.

The white QCHEFS with rice are gluten-free

QCHEFS – how it works!

What exactly happens in the mouth? The bad breath disappears after a few days. The Oral flora comes back into balance. The immune system will built with natural vitamins and minerals. The cottage cheese naturally has an antibacterial effect: the peptide complex adheres to the Cell walls of the plaque bacteria. They can’t do that multiply more so quickly. Is the network of bacteria gone – The tartar begins to dissolve – usually after 6 weeks. The pale yellow and smooth tartar is more persistent. It can take longer. But that’s not bad – tartar without bacteria does not make sick. With QCHEFS cheese, your animal is well protected from the start – because plaque bacteria are the most common cause of inflammation in the mouth and whole body.

What is the best way to feed dental flakes?

Spread over the whole wet food – unfortunately they are swallowed.

Try it as a snack:

  1. Sprinkle on the damp bowl bottom – then feed on it. Then the bowl is licked clean.
  1. also mix with 1-2 teaspoons of food! sufficiently distributed in the mouth – it can work.

Dental flakes can also be mixed with:  water, quark (curd cheese),

Cottage cheese, yogurt, snack paste, feed or the favorite treat.


Zahnputzflocken Hund

Tartar gone?

Tartar gone? – with dental flakes- spreads well in the mouth – here is the intensive recipe!

Dental flakes: Mix 1 bag 1: 1 with organic coconut oil. Cold-pressed organic coconut oil contains healthy fatty acids. Lauric acid supports the naturally antibacterial effect.

ORGANIC coconut oil becomes liquid by gentle warming and is so good miscible. The paste stays in the refrigerator in the container- until it is empty. Depending on the weight of your dog, 1.5 – 3 tsp in the evening as a dessert to lick up.

When can my pet drink?

Great thirst please quench during feeding. The dry QCHEFS make thirsty.

Please let it drink – it will remain in the mouth.

How do you support tartar removal?

With a lot of tartar or inflammation for 4 -6 weeks – the double QCHEFS ration. It is also faster with 2 x daily after feeding. Does the tartar come off? please scratch from time to time with your fingernails. It dissolves faster – if you support with finger cot, toothbrush or chewing.

That’s how you can rework with finger cots: Youtube

How can you prevent with QCHEFS?

Puppies: Hard Cracker is the first and best nibble-bone.

rock hard – not bite-through – gentle on teeth – because it is soaked with saliva – it will be removed by the teeth.

Only high quality protein + natural vitamins and minerals

– like vitamin K 1, vitamin B complex + Ca – Mg – Fe – Cu – Zn.

Your puppy only absorbs healthy nutritional substances and cleans

the teeth at the same time. Above all, plaque bacteria have less chance – to cause inflammation.

→ when changing teeth: decongestant from an icebox, itch-relieving, gentle on teeth, The gums soften and the teeth get through easier.


Hard Cracker

Adult dog?

You always have to do something about plaque bacteria – because tartar/inflammation should not even arise.

Prevention: little works! – sufficiently distributed in the mouth!

small – 1 treat

medium – 2 treats

large – 1/3 stick

How do I find the suitable QCHEFS Cheese?

dental flakes to lick – for every dog ​​-

also suitable for ravenous dogs!


small dog – 1 tsp! medium-sized dog – 2 tsp! big dog – 3 tsp!

Dental Flakes


Crispy like chips – brush the teeth

small dog – 1 piece! medium-sized dog – 3 pieces!

also for training – because it is easily divisible and low in calories!




Rock hard as bone – shouldn’t be bite-through!

then it is the perfect employment bone!


Small dog -1 / 3 stick! medium-sized dog – 1/2 stick! big dog 1 stick!

Hard Cracker

Hard Cheese

Puffed treats – like popcorn! – chewed with devotion!

small dog – 1 treat / medium-sized dog – 2 treat / large dog – 1/3 stick!

all three varieties mixed

Cheesies – rice

Puffies – buckwheat

Snackies – buckwheat / carob

Puffed sticks – bite on them! – and it crumbles in the mouth!

medium -1 / 3 stick / large – 1/2 stick!

Happymaker – 1 x each type puffed & 1 x rock hard

Puffed Cheese – rice

Puffed Cracker – buckwheat

Puffed Sticks – buckwheat / carob


Why is it suitable for sick dogs and those who suffer from allergies?

QCHEFS cheese is made according to a special diet recipe! – Only high-quality and easily digestible ingredients baked at low temperatures:

  1. high-quality protein (cottage cheese + buckwheat/rice)
  2. Light carbohydrates (buckwheat – no grain) or rice
  3. healthy fatty acids (rapeseed oil + organic coconut oil)

Free from: grain/ gluten – chemical / synthetic additives – lactose – sugar – salt – meat

Also important: QCHEFS rations for brushing teeth in relation to the feed are so low that they are negligible. They do not have to be included in the daily ration. In addition, natural vitamins and minerals strengthen the immune defense:

Vitamin K 1, vitamin B complex + Ca – Mg – Fe – Cu – Zn – Mn → low calorie with 5 kcal/treats – and low fat – 4.6%

How much phosphorus is in it?

QCHEFS only contains the naturally contained phosphorus. Synthetic phosphorus is not added. For example you must pay attention to phosphorus in kidney diseases.

How to calculate it: A healthy adult animal needs

60 mg / kg body weight daily – e.g. at 10 kg body weight = 600 mg / daily.

QCHEFS: 1 treat / 14 mg – 1 stick / 80 mg phosphorus.

Why are QCHEFS suitable for food mite allergy sufferers?

QCHEFS are free of mites! Our raw materials contain no food mites (no wheat grain). To be sure anyway we do strict monitoring. It starts at the delivery of the ingredients and we accompany the entire production.

The products are packed immediately after sterilization.

At home, QCHEFS should be protected in a plastic box.


What about milk protein allergy sufferers?

Lactose is not included. You can test it well with small pieces though experience shows that milk protein allergy sufferers can tolerate it anyway. The developers of the milk allergy test justify this as follows: due to the manufacturing process, the allergy triggers are no longer relevant.

So take a free sample from the dealer and test with a very small piece. It is worth it.


Why is QCHEFS suitable for people allergic to feed?

Mostly it is about an allergy to meat or chemical / synthetic additives! There is nothing in it.

You are still in the exclusion diet phase or already know the allergy triggers – then please adjust.


Why QCHEFS is suitable for pancreatitis?

The food should be light and digestible – including dental care and treats. QCHEFS are made according to the light food recipe and correspond to this diet. But QCHEFS ration is negligible – the ratio to the feed is so low. Natural vitamins and minerals strengthen the immune system.


Why QCHEFS is suitable for kidney failure?

Low protein diet! When brushing teeth with QCHEFS, the dog takes 1-3 g of high-quality protein (treats/dental flakes). This amount is in relation to feed quantity negligible – but can also be added.


Why the feces can be softer?

QCHEFS builds with natural vitamins and minerals the intestinal flora. It is very rare for the feces to become softer.

Then you reduce QCHEFS a little – until it normalizes.


Why is it suitable for hyper allergenic feeding?

In addition to gluten, meat and soy, allergy triggers are also chemical-synthetic additives. That is not the case with QCHEFS. The special term „hyper allergenic“ is not precisely defined

We prefer to write – what’s really in there – so you can decide better. Take a free sample from the dealer – then you quickly see that it works.

QCHEFS – everything in it:

  1. high-quality protein cottage cheese
  2. Light carbohydrates – buckwheat (no grain) or rice
  3. Healthy fatty acids – rapeseed oil + organic coconut oil

QCHEFS ration for dental care is so low in relation to the feed so it’s negligible. It does not count towards the daily ration. The natural vitamins and minerals strengthen the immune system. The product descriptions show the ingredients.

Is QCHEFS in a store anywhere near me ?

We are happy to give you advice – here you find dealers anywhere near you: Shops


Where do I find samples?

You can find free samples at the retailers


– but you don’t need them: the dental flakes taste like organic coconut. Just mix in something delicious – what your dog knows and loves and it works.


Don’t want to chew QCHEFS?

Simply put the puffed into the mixer (bag + hammer) – then it’s dental flakes. They smell slightly of organic coconut and are almost tasteless. Simply mixed in something delicious – even 1 teaspoon of feed works – and it works.

Why do cats and dogs love it so much?

You can sense that QCHEFS cheese is not just delicious – it is also good for your pet. The strengthened immune system makes them vital. QCHEFS takes away the cravings and soothes. This creates a feeling of well-being.

But the most important thing: in contrast to us humans, their Jacobson organ works. They always have to endure their own bad breath and that as super noses. Therefore, they also pay close attention to that the teeth are clean. You will find out for yourself.

They love the clean teeth feeling as much as we humans do.